Victorii pentru moldoveni la Cupa Mondială de box
adăugat 27 aprilie 2010, 11:28, la Sport

Boxerii moldoveni ce participă la Campionatului Mondial de tineret, care se desfăşoară la Baku au făcut impresie bună în runda inaugurală. Cinci dintre moldoveni au obţinut victorii şi doar un singur boxer moldovean a suferit înfrîngere la categoria de greutate până la 48 de kilograme.
Dumitru Galogoţ la categoria de greutate de 57 kg, Petru Ciobanu -69 kg, Vadim Ivaniuc -54 kg, Petru Ursu -60 kg şi Gleb Şapoval -81 kg au obţinut victorii la etapa inaugurală a Campionatului Mondial de tineret care să desfăşoară în capitala Azerbaidjanului.
Lotul naţional are o singură pierdere prin Serghei Godlevschi, care a evoluat la categoria de greutate până la 48 de kilograme.
Campionatul este de calificare la prima ediţie a Jocurilor Olimpice de tineret de la Singapore, care se vor disputa în luna august a acestui an. Pentru a obţine biletul de acreditare boxerii noştri au nevoie să devină premianţi.
Ediţia curentă a Mondialelor de box a reunit aproximativ 466 boxeri din 90 de ţări. Turneul se dispută la 11 categorii de greutate şi se va încheia pe data de două mai.
Anatolie Vartosu, 42, of Stamford, was the first place finisher in todays Westport Young Womans League 32nd annual Minute Man 5K Race in 17:03. He said this was the first time he had run in the race. Born in the Republic of Moldova, he qualified for the marathon event in the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta representing his native country but could not participate because of an injury. Antonio Loredo od Danbury took second in 17:52 and Alex Otsberg, 13, of Darien, was third in 18:08. (CLICK TO ENLARGE) Helen Klisser During for WestportNow.com
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2:08:32 course record for Musinschi in Dusseldorf
2:08:32 course record for Iaroslav Musinschi in Dusseldorf (Victah Sailer/photorun.net)
Dusseldorf, Germany - Iaroslav Musinschi took the 8th edition of the METRO Group Duesseldorf Marathon with a course record of 2:08:32. With his performance the 33-year-old Moldavian also established a European seasons lead. Additionally he is the first European marathon runner this year to clock a sub-2:10 time. Russias Natalya Volgina won the womens race with 2:30:47.
In ideal weather conditions with temperatures of around 12° Celsius at the start Musinschi ran his own pace right from the start. Guided by a pacemaker he reached the half way mark in 1:04:04 and then almost kept his pace through the second half. Musinschi was more than three and a half minutes ahead of Andrej Toptun (Ukraine/2:12:08) and Pawel Ochal (Poland/2:13:23). Germanys Falk Cierpinski came in fourth with 2:17:18.
"I am very happy with my time," said Musinschi, who had entered the race with a personal record of 2:10:15 from Ljubljana last year. "I have to thank my pacemaker, who did a great job. He kept me in schedule for this result until the 30 k mark." It was 21-year-old Lani Rutto of Kenya who did this pacing job until the 30 k mark, which he reached in 1:31:05.
Although Musinschi would be among the favourites at the European Championships in Barcelona this summer he will not feature in the heat of Spain. "I will run other races and then prepare for an autumn marathon," said Musinschi, who added that his next marathon will likely be in Frankfurt on 31 October.